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SENSES Property Management team continues to develop sustainability, wins MEA ENERGY AWARDS 2021 for “CW Tower”

Mr.Nakrob Kulpanich, Director of Asset Management, Senses Property Management Company Limited or “SENSES” as General Manager of CW Tower Received a plaque with the logo of the MEA ENERGY AWARDS Year 6 Office Building category from Mr.Wilas Chalayasat, Governor of the Metropolitan Electricity Authority. Buildings to receive the MEA ENERGY AWARDS logo must pass two standard assessment criteria, namely MEA Index (Management of Energy Achievement Index), which is an indicator of the energy consumption level developed by MEA. and indoor air quality standards (Indoor Air Quality: IAQ), which are measured in parameters such as CO, CO2, PM2.5, PM10, TVOC, Formaldehyde according to international standards which is accepted at the national level This award guarantees that “CW Tower” is an energy-saving office building with correct and appropriate indoor air quality.


CW Tower is an office building in Ratchada area that has been in use for more than 15 years and in the past 2021 there have been improvements to many facilities within the building, such as common areas. retail space and office space, etc., to accommodate all the needs of business groups and modern organizations. but still under the concept of energy-saving buildings By focusing on environmental friendliness and creating maximum user safety. After this, we continue to focus on doing business along with sustainable development. by adhering to the principles of balanced use and conservation of natural resources.


And to be in line with modern office buildings Another important goal of the business is Caring for and Caring for the Environment CW Tower has continually conducted environmental campaigns with tenants such as “PERKS From TRASH Project and CARE THE WHALE Project. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) with the goal of “Next ZERO WASTE office building”


#SENSES #CWTOWER #Real Estate #MEA #Metropolitan Electricity Authority